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About Our Team

Ezequiel Reyes


Hi there My name is Ezequiel Reyes, I am one of the owners and currently CEO of Ancient Energy. I started this company to provide spiritual based products for people that are looking to express their spirituality through jewelry, singing bowls, orgone energy tools and many other ways. I believe that simple physical products can help us connect deeper to our spiritual practice and help us express more of our spirituality. These spiritual tools are not needed, however for many people they are an extension of how we express ourselves. In that way I feel that these tools for spirituality are beneficial for our everyday lives.

I have been through a lot in my life; pain, suffering, confusion, tremendous fear of the unknown and through these moments I remember holding one of my quartz crystals to help ground myself or wearing an obsidian necklace to help ground myself. For many people new to spirituality a lot of these tools like orgone and crystal necklaces can help remind themselves to stay grounded during their spiritual awakening which can be rough at times.

I will be sharing more on our social media platforms if you want to get to know me or my team better. Thank you for visiting Ancient Energy!